Important Issues
Fully fund our public schools.
Provide a quality education environment free from drugs, gangs, and bullying.
Bring about new school construction to replace our overcrowded aging schools.
Encourage citizen participation in government.
Consolidate services where possible and make them more efficient.
Setting TRUE priorities.
Promote Suffolk to work in attracting businesses both large and small, and promote community and business partnerships.
Spend wisely: we must understand that we cannot simply tax and spend ourselves to prosperity.
Fully support capital Improvement projects.
Make wise decisions about economic development projects that enhance the overall worth of the City and its neighborhoods.
Assist the elderly and disabled citizens. Every year senior citizens face higher costs of living and higher taxes. As your city councilman, I will work to support any Senior Tax Relief program to waive property taxes for all.
We must come together and elect leaders who have ALL of the City’s best interest at heart. It’s time to put our best ideas on the table and work towards common sense solutions with the single goal of making ALL of Suffolk stronger.
Be supportive and demonstrate the willingness to fully staff personnel needs of our police and fire departments.
Systematic review and prioritization of infrastructure initiatives and upgrading, giving particular attention to unfulfilled commitments.
Paid for by Roger Fawcett for City Council.